Bradford Burial Ground

Alphabetical Index                    ~People Of Note~                        Map Site # Index

~Veterans of Wars~     ~Pastors of the Church~     ~Deacons of the Church~     ~First Settler of the Family~

~Original Members of the Church~     ~Others Of Note~

Veterans of Wars

Carlton, Amos                      
Carlton, Amos                      
Carlton, Bezaleel                  
Carleton, Daniel                  
Carleton, Dudley                  
Carleton, Edmund                
Carleton, Leonard (lieut.)    
Carleton, Reuben                 
Carleton, Stephen               
Chadwick, Benjamin Col.    
Chadwick, Jonathan
Chadwick, Jonathan
Day, William
Eaton, Joeseph
Gage Abijah
Griffin, Ebenezer
Griffin, Nathaniel
Hall, David
Hall, Joseph



Map Site # 338
Map Site # 619
Map Site # 392
Map Site # 29
Map Site # 372
Map Site # 341
Map Site # 19
Map Site # 252
Map Site # 348
Map Site # 273
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Revolutionary War

War of 1812
Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War

War of 1812
Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War
Mexican-American War














~Pastors of the Church~
Symmes, Zacharia (Rev)

Thomas Symmes

Parsons, Joseph (Rev)

Parsons, Joseph Rev.

Williams, son of Rev. Samuel

Nathan Allen

Map Site 683

Map Site

Map Site 603

Map Site 602

Map Site 160

Map Site 



~Deacons of the Church~
Woodman, Jonathan

Day, Moses (Deacon)

Day, Moses (Deacon)

Carleton, Thomas

Walker, David

Kimball, Obadiah

Kimball, Thomas

Webster, Thomas

Walker, Richard

Griffin, John

Haseltine, John

Kimball, Jesse

Map Site  410

Map Site  444

Map Site  554

Map Site  508

Map Site  576

Map Site  201

Map Site  265

Map Site  163

Map Site  574

Map Site  323

Map Site  472

Map Site  503



~First Settler of the Family~
Mullicken, Robert

Chadwick, John
Hardy, Thomas  

Atwood, Philip

West, Thomas

Walker, Nathaniel (Capt)

Day, Moses (Deacon)

Carlton, Edward


Kimball, Benjamin
Kimball, Mercy

Map Site  630

Map Site  655

Map Site  662


Map Site  712

Map Site  584

Map Site  579

Map Site  554

Map Site  563

Map Site  556
& 557

Gravestone carver and clock maker.

Son of John the immigrant.

Eldest of three brothers, here in the 1660's settling in the East Parish.

Granted land near Ward Hill in 1660.


Granted land near the present Blossom Street by 1660; a decendent's house (c1740).

Forebearer of all of that name.

Forebearer of all of that name here.

Grandson of the immigrant Edward. He and his brother Thomas settled here in the 1660's.

First of the name here, son of the immigrant Richard. Mercy is daughter of first settler Robert Haseltine.


~Original Members of the Church~    

Symmes, Zacharia (Rev)

Stickney, Samuel

Stickney, Prudence Gage

Palmer, Joseph

West, Thomas

West, Mary

Haseltine, Samuel (Lt.)

Haseltine, Robert (Deacon)

Kimball, Benjamin

Kimball, Mercy

Hardy, John
Map Site 683

Map Site 636

Map Site 635

Map Site 618

Map Site 584

Map Site 585

Map Site 703

Map Site 597

Map Site 556

Map Site 557

Map Site 613

~Others Of Note~
Thurston, Nathaniel (Hon.) - Map Site 174 - Buried besides 6 of his seven wives.

Gage, Benjamin Major - Map Site 457 - Served two years in the Revolution.

Trask, Samuel - Map Site 473 - Housebuilder, operated a tavern in Central Square; the building is now on South Warren Street.

Kimball, Richard - Map Site 558 - Son of Benjamin, built the first part of Kimball Tavern by the Common.

Kimball, Jacob - Map Site 151 - Grandson of Richard, first operated the Tavern,
c. 1765.

Chadwick, Jonathan - Map Site # 454 - One of the wealthiest men in town, gave the Church new Communion silver in 1800, and the funds to start the Trustees of the Ministerial Fund.

Peabody, John - Map Site 385 - First of the name in Bradford, c 1788, sons gave land for school.

Haseltine, Samuel (Lt.) - Map Site 703 - Son of John, the first settler (1649).



Alphabetical Index       Site # Index  


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